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Top 3 items in Terraria

Many items in Terraria are very useful, but there are some that almost everyone can rely on them. Also In a future post I will show their crafting recipes and uses. I suggest you immediately craft these as soon as you can. Also note that all of these are from hardmode.

The wings are extremely useful and helps you get to places. Depending on what wing you want, it takes a special item to craft certain wings. You will always need feathers and souls of flight. Normal wings won’t go too far, but with rocket boots you will go to space. They also act like lucky horse shoes.

The megashark is an extremely useful blaster. It only has a 50% of consuming ammo, and has a 40 attack damage. It can be crafted with shark fins and a mini shark. Also it needs souls of blight and coral. Its probably loved by almost all Terraria players.

Finally the best item in Terraria is the legendary terra-blade. It has more than 300 damage. It can also shoot projectiles out of it that do 50 damage. I don’t actually know how to craft the terra-blade, but to craft a legendary one, you just need a terra-blade and a broken hero sword. It is the most powerful sword at the moment.

All of these items are extremely useful and needed to become awesome. Although they are extremely hard to craft, they are very rewarding. Hope you all have a great day, Reddude out.

A good yo mama joke

Yo mama just like the sun, look at her to long, you go blind

Do not laugh

I lay on to the table and wait, my life, I had wasted it, I had nothing to look forward to, but then I see her, I ask if if she’s available, she says yes, I absorb her into me, it feels so good… then I hear a voice… “thank you for coming to Mr crabs burger bar do you want anything else?”

Is herobrine real?



Reforming items

Terraria also includes powering up your items by reforging items. To do this you get a goblin tinkerer, then drag one weapon, tool, of accessory onto it’s one slot, then press reforge then it will either give your item a power boost or a bad curse, be careful. Also note that it takes money to reformed items.

Demon scythe

In Terraria, there is an extremely hard to get item called demon scythe, this item is part of the underworld set and is rarely dropped by any kind of demon. This weapon will deal about 50 damage and takes mana, it also takes 3 seconds to launch it. Remember it is extremely difficult to get.

Coming soon…

Hey guys sorry for not blogging for a bit, I wanted to tell that soon I’ll be:

Doing videos soon
Doing a blog about minecraft
Hunting down herobrine

So keep looking out for these things


This is my brother


Contest (okay one more think)

Okay it has to be something I LIKE, also note that anything that isn’t minecraft will still count


Bound mechanic is a npc only found in the dungeon. Also note that a goblin army also comes when you break a shadow orb